Alberto Etelot
Alberto Etelot
Birthday: October 22, 1949
History: "I am 79 years old and I entered the home on the 1st of January 2016. I am from a town called Madame Pierre. I’ve felt good ever since I entered the home because I lost everything in the hurricane and the home welcomed me as a family. Since I have lived among them, I have not suffered from any major illness. My eyes and my knee that I hit during the hurricane that eats at me every winter when it gets cold. But I get a little ointment to rub through it and it gives me some relief. After that, I'm fine. And I'll say to Mission-Haiti to continue the work they are doing and God will repay them for that."
Alberto was living with his girlfriend (marriage can very difficult to do in Haiti because of cost) when hurricane Matthew struck south Haiti. They lost practically everything. Shortly after that his girlfriend passed away. While doing visits in the mountain, our outreach for the elderly team came across Alberto living without a house or anything to his name. It didn’t take long before Papa Lubin asked him to join our family and he said yes!
While growing up, Alberto fell sick and “without anywhere to turn for healing he turned to Jesus and accepted him as his Savior”. His favorite Bible passage Exodus 14:14.
For work Alberto raised animals and was a carpenter.
His biggest role model was his mom up until her death and there was an aunt named Anne Hypolite who stepped in and became very special to him.
Alberto’s favorite food is plantains and his favorite exercise is to run.
He asks that you pray “that my soul will be saved”.
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