Pam Plasier, Co-Founder

Pam Plasier, supported by her husband Mike and family, founded Mission-Haiti.
Ever since her first trip, Pam regularly visited the country. In 2005, Mission-Haiti officially became a 501c3 non-profit ministry. That same year they built the original orphanage house on the current Mission-Haiti property. Pam’s first trip to Haiti came in 1995. A missionary who visited her local church asked the congregation if anyone was willing to go and help a poverty stricken area in the country of Haiti. Pam volunteered.
The Plasier family spent over 20 years starting Mission-Haiti with the goal of honoring and glorifying God by servicing the people of Haiti. Pam resigned as the Executive Director in January of 2015 with ambitions to pursue her next calling from God in her life.
We thank the Plasier family for their years of dedication and willingness to respond to God’s calling to serve “the least of these”.