Moricia Etelot

Monthly Amount: $35.00

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Moricia Etelot

Birthday: May 18, 1944 

History: "I am 80 years old, I am from a town called Madame Pierre. I entered the home on December 30, 2017. I was happy to be in the home because my house was destroyed since hurricane Matthew. Mission-Haiti was helping me before but then came to get me so that I can be part of that home. An illness that I had was typhoid but I am treated now but sometimes I feel like my head is shaking because I hit it too hard during the hurricane. But besides that, I speak clearly and I can even see few things. I ask God to keep us under his wings and to go far with Mission-Haiti."

Moricia was living on her own in the mountain when hurricane Matthew struck south Haiti. It destroyed her home and ruined the things she had. Papa Lubin and our Evangelism Team were doing house visits after the hurricane when they found her and realized she needed a new home. It didn’t take much conversation or time to realize she would be an awesome fit at our Elderly Home and she agreed! 

She “had many problems in her life and had nowhere to turn so she chose to give God her live and accept Jesus as her savior”.  Moricia’s favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:37. 

FUN FACT: Moricia has a brother named Alberto. She and Alberto grew up in different houses, not far from each other. They now live together at the Elderly Home!

Moricia was married and they had 2 daughters. Unfortunately, 1 passed away due to health complications but the other doesn’t live far from the Elderly Home and comes to visit! 

Her biggest role model is her momma and her favorite food is white rice.

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