We love the month of June because we get the opportunity to connect students and sponsors in the most personal way. Our sponsorship team works tirelessly for months to meet with our students, get photos of each student, work with schools to get hand written letters from each student, translate those letters, get them shipped, print photos and get everything in the mail to YOU! 

This year one of the questions we asked students was "What is one word you would use to describe Haiti?". It was my hope to get to the heart of our students' reality. As I was reading through some of the answers we received, my heart broke for the truth of what these young eyes are seeing and living every day and the way they view their "home". Some of the responses included: "unlivable", "distress", "poverty", "no value", "bad leadership" and "miserable".

These answers hold such brokenness but I am so thankful that the Lord has called us to serve in this small but tangible way, offering hope in place of a bleak reality. Sponsorship changes things in such a real way. We see that impact each and every day in the safety of a building for students to go each day, the reliability of a meal at school each day, and the hope of what the future could be with education.

Re-Sponsorship letters are in the mail, if you haven't received yours yet, please email breanna@mission-haiti.org.

THANK YOU for having a heart for these kids. Pray for them, pray for Haiti. If you haven't taken the steps yet, consider partnering with us to bring a better reality for our students. 

~ Breanna, Missions and Operations Director