Distribution is complete and school is underway! 

The second week of September we were able to host our annual distribution event. The distribution event is when all of the students in our sponsorship program come to the JAK school to receive a backpack, school supplies, new pair of shoes, books for the year, and any gifts their sponsor may have provided them. This week is one I like to call “good old-fashioned hard work.” We saw more than 2300 students in the week and countess smiles- it was an amazing week for students and workers alike. If you haven’t yet re-sponsored your student, please do so!!

Last week was the official first week of the 2020-2021 school year for our Mission-Haiti schools. We were able to visit each school on the first day and see the excitement of the kids sporting their new items. Please be in prayer for this school year to go off without a hitch!