A Message from Paul:

I've been meaning to send you a personal email for a while now, and the timing seems right as Bethany and I are currently in Haiti. On the 24th we arrived just as news was spreading about the unfortunate incident involving 3 missionaries who were killed 8 miles from the airport in Port-Au-Prince. This serves as a somber reminder of the ongoing situation in the capital. The urgency for assistance is increasingly apparent, especially with the delay in the arrival of Kenyan troops (possibly another 3 weeks) and uncertainty regarding their specific mission (they may not be directly engaging with the gangs.)

You might understandably be asking, "Why now, Paul and Bethany?" As we approach the end of our fiscal year in June, numerous one-on-one meetings must be scheduled, a new HR position needs to be hired, and individual meetings with the orphanage kids to assess how we can support them and Gertrude are necessary. Things that are very difficult to do so effectively in Sioux Falls. One of the main reasons we found the trip to Haiti viable was the direct flight to Cap-Haitian instead of the capital. From there, we boarded a 30-seater plane to Les Cayes.

All gas stations were in operation along the road, with no signs of roadblocks, and locals were actively selling goods. In under 5 hours, we managed to tour the block plant company, visit the SAM Elderly Home, where we enjoyed the company of 15 cheerful grandparents, inspect the progress at the Lines School expansion, admire the upgraded appearance of the LSF Clinic, spend time with the children at the orphanage, and taste some local street food. Throughout our journey, we were warmly welcomed with love and enthusiasm, experiencing no hostility or danger, as the place still feels like home. They are our neighbors, and we value your support for them in the following ways:

  • Re-sponsor your students: If you currently sponsor a student, expect a letter in June requesting you to continue supporting your student. As we approach the 2024-25 school year, our program will encompass nearly 2,800 students and over 280 school staff members receiving monthly salaries. The positive impact on the communities we serve and the rise in educational opportunities are truly remarkable. A heartfelt thank you to all those involved in this important ministry! There are still many students awaiting sponsorship, so if you haven't already, consider making a difference in someone's future by visiting our website or reaching out via email to breanna@mission-haiti.org.
  • Save the Date for Move for MH 2024: Mark your calendars for July 30th (which falls on a Tuesday) at 6:00 pm. Join us in our ongoing support for our orphanage family. Stay tuned for further updates, and if you're interested in becoming an official partner for the event, kindly reach out via email to paul/breanna@mission-haiti.org.
  •  Prayer Chain: Certain individuals were aware of Bethany and my journey to Haiti through a "Prayer Request" email chain. If you wish to receive occasional emails outlining specific prayer requests concerning MH, kindly RESPOND YES TO THIS EMAIL, and we will include you in the email list.

Again, thank you so much for your continued love, prayers, and support for this amazing work. I am truly on cloud 9 right now as I am able to see firsthand the work that God is allowing you and me to be a part of. Please know that your support is making a tremendous impact on this part of the island. Blessings to you and yours., and happy Memorial Day!

Sincerely, Paul Eder Perissien

Mission-Haiti Director